Contact Us 610-395-0980

Smile GalleryLehigh Valley, PA


Dental Concern: Severely worn teeth, failing existing veneers, signs and symptoms of Occlusal Disease, narrow dental arch Treatment: Bite analysis and equilibration, reshaped lower front teeth, eight porcelain crowns on upper teeth



Dental Concern: Anterior wear, front teeth chipping and wearing away at the edges, Occlusal Disease and discoloration of teeth. Treatment: A bite analysis, deep whitening using KOR whitening, balanced bite, lower anterior bondings, veneers from 6-11, onlays and crowns to increase ideal function and aesthetics and an Occlusal guard.


Dental Concern: Discolored teeth, worn and chipping front teeth, Occlusal Disease, and narrow smile. Treatment: Equilibration, deep bleaching, bonding and reshaping of lower front teeth, a combination of crowns, onlays and veneers on upper teeth. Outcome: A beautiful, bright, full smile that is stable and feels great!